Monthly Archives: October 2009

both the scientist and the 12-year-old in me love this…

…video which I found from Science Blogs, which I thought was too silly to post on my science blog, and too strange for my Facebook page where my little nephews might see it.  It originally appeared on yet another blog under the label, “You are being shagged by a rare parrot.”  Consider yourself warned, and about to laugh your head off.

Please note that if you click through to the original YouTube link there are some very inappropriate comments, as you can imagine.  But the video itself is just (bizarre) nature in action.


I was cleaning out my much-neglected RSS feed today and came across this gem on YouTube, but credits go to the Mental Floss blog for digging it up.

It’s Mister Rogers, the episode where he shows you how crayons were made.  Crazy thing is, I swear I remember watching this!  I know it’s highly unlikely that I actually remember something from watching TV roughly 25 years ago, but hey.  I was a HUGE fan.  Knowing me, I watched the episode 20 times or something.

So, here’s the clip:

And, as a bonus, here’s what Mental Floss says is one of their most popular blog posts of all time: 15 Reasons Mister Rogers Was the Best Neighbor Ever.  (I wonder if the show is on DVD so my kids can watch?…)

Edited to add: I checked and it appears that PBS still airs the majority of episodes.  Since I am mostly unemployed, it appears I have a new show to add to my daily lineup!  The show’s website is here.  PLUS, you CAN buy DVD’s, and this one even comes with a red sweaterAdorable!