Tag Archives: wedding

book review: What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About the First Five Years of Marriage

Well, I have been married for less than a year so it remains to be seen how my husband and I will weather most of the issues in this book- but I did find it to be informative and give lots of helpful ideas about how to communicate, figure out what you want from your marriage, and work that out with your spouse.

I like the format- it is divided into chapters, each dealing with certain issues like money, time, and in-laws.  At the end of each chapter is a scripture reading and some questions for reflection.  The book is written in a casual, easy to read manner.

We had an excellent Pre-Cana preparation, but I know that not all couples do, and I think this book would be great for them. I think it may also work as a good “refresher” for us a couple years down the road.  Overall, I highly recommend the book.

*Note: This review was written as part of the Catholic book Reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About the First Five Years of Marriage.  The book was made available free in exchange for an honest review.

unnaturally calm?

Today I was told by a co-worker: “You know, for someone who’s getting married in a month, you’re awfully calm.”

I think this is kind of funny.  I mean, why *not* be calm?  It’s a big event. I’m super excited, sure- but I don’t see much to get all worked up about.  Lots of things to be planned, but all of that has pretty much been taken care of at this point.  (A MONTH!! SQUEE!!!)

Ahem.  So, in my current calm state, I thought I would share 3 blogs which have aided in my sanity as I have been planning this for the last 6 months. I tried to pick a representative post from each, and I think that even if you’re not about to get married, they can be interesting.

Here’s an idea for an alternative gift registry from Meg at A Practical Wedding.

Next, Sarah from My Catholic Wedding- a post from a while ago that reminds me of what I also learned at my own wedding prep classes: my job as a married person is to get my husband to heaven, and vice versa.  (He’s really got his work cut out for him, by the way…)

And- the first wedding website I found where other similarly sane brides gather: the lovely Offbeat Bride.  This post shows the talents of one bride who makes GORGEOUS button bouquets, which I seriously coveted for a few months of my planning process.  I ultimately decided to go with real flowers because so many people were freaked out by such a non-traditional choice.  Plus, custom bouquets = expensive!  Oh well.  Perhaps I could get one for an anniversary or something.