Tag Archives: blog

7 Quick Takes Friday: Back to Blogging

…Or, Why I Thought This Might Have Been A Good Idea At The Time.

I thought, to help inspire me to write, that I would use this 7QT to focus on several blogs that I *always* click on when my Google Reader tells me there is a new post.  By default, first on the list is Conversion Diary, where this gem of an idea came from (but I am still going to share 7 more, in no particular order, mind you- because there are so many great blogs out there)!

1- Ask Sister Mary Martha

Sister Mary Martha is a feisty nun who answers reader questions about Catholic teachings and tradition, with a sharp wit and great humor.  I always learn something, and I almost always have a smile on my face after reading (sometimes she does write about serious things, after all).

2- I Have to Sit Down

In one of the internet circles I frequent (Catholic mommy types, if you must know), I have gathered that Simcha Fisher is quite famous. She has a lot of devoted followers and is amazingly snarky, which is why I love her blog.  The post I linked to, however, is a recent thoughtful one that I really liked.

3- Momopoly

This is the blog of Kate Wicker, who has 3 charming little girls and always makes me think with her well-thought-out posts.  She’s a great writer and has many funny/heartwarming mothering anecdotes.

4- wil wheaton: in exile

Yes, I am a geek. I manage to hide it well, mostly (not that I am ashamed or anything, it’s just that I don’t know many fellow geeks anymore and am tired of having to explain that there were more than two Star Trek TV shows, and no, the two that you do know were by far not the best ones, thanks).  Ahem.  Anyway, when I was a teen, Star Trek: The Next Generation was on, and Wesley was on, and did I mention that I was a geeky teenage girl? Instant crush.  So, Wil Wheaton, who played Wesley, is all grown up too (imagine that!) and has a blog.  I don’t share all his interests, but he’s also very funny (I am seeing a trend with my favorite blogs, are you?) and I love his descriptions of and stories about being an actor, since that is something I am completely unfamiliar with.

5- TV Guide Breaking News

This is the online equivalent of a People Magazine subscription, really.  I have an unhealthy addiction to NCIS (from the year when I had strep throat 4 times and got my tonsils out) and Psych, and I will admit that while I scan the headlines looking just for mentions of my favorite shows, I occasionally learn something about what “everyone else” is up to these days- what the kids are watching, who’s in the Superbowl, there’s some new singer called Lady Gaga, etc.

6- The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

I am a recent convert to cloth diapers for my 8 month old.  We have been using them for about a month, and it’s awesome.  And addictive!  I love reading about what everyone else does and likes about cloth, and this is one of my favorites.

7- The Consumerist

This website is somehow related to Consumer Reports, which I love- but I’m not sure how. I think of it like CR’s snarky 2nd cousin- it’s main interest is informing consumers, but they will not pass up even the most bizarre story in the name of saving you from your own stupidity.  Also, funny!


So, I am resurrecting the ol’ blog.  New pictures, too.  Let me know if the background is too busy. I’m not sure if I like it, I was just playing around with the theme options for the page.

Still divided on how “public” I want to be.  Part of the reason I gave up the blogging was because I wasn’t sure how much I could share without giving away too much personal information. I read enough blogs that tell me it can be done, but…perhaps I’ve been to too many of the military’s “the evils of social media” presentations lately.

I guess this is mostly a test post – nothing else springs to mind!

holiday contest!

…no, not from me.  But from a great magazine with a really good website, Faith and Family.  It’s billed as “The magazine and daily blog of Catholic living”, which is pretty accurate.  They have some great bloggers over there that are fun to read.  Both serious and fun topics abound!  I discovered the website first, I don’t know how, then I got the magazine a couple of times in the bookstore.  Both are great, and if they are something you are interested in, please check them out!

As for the contest- they are giving away some really cool items. There are some requirements, so check out this post for details.

time, time, time…

…has really been getting away from me! I have this list of all these things I wanted to post, but they are still in list form.  I have, however, been really productive around the house- making Christmas presents and baking.  Yesterday alone I made pumpkin bread, corn bread, and brownies!  Just because I can!  Today I have to make cookies because my hubby re-enlisted in the Navy today, and we were apparently supposed to feed everyone. Oops.  I blame it on being a new military spouse- there should be a handbook for this stuff!

Anyway, here’s one thing that has been keeping me busy:  I now also blog over at Blue Star Families, under the name of “proud navy spouse” (partly ’cause I haven’t been able to figure out how to get it to say my name- I am new, after all).  Here is a link to my latest post, and look for another one to come soon.

And, just because it’s what I do- here is yet another cool thing I found on the web.  “Bobby McFerrin makes a keyboard out of people.”  (For those of you who were wondering what he’s been up to…)


for crying out loud….

There are so many little things to play with for this blog that I am too exhausted to feel like saying anything inspired. But- it’s pretty! 🙂